Success as an Operations Manager Requires these Crucial Skills

Management is a much more diverse role in 2023 than it has ever been in the past. This generation has started a trend in management that encompasses hard and soft skills, along with a unique perspective on how individuals should be managed.

Key traits such as communication, adaptability and the ability to problem-solve are essential for effective management, and an open and collaborative work environment is something successful companies are promoting. 

In the area of operations, managing a team involves being organized and fostering open communication so the day-to-day running of the organization is effective and all team members are working toward the same goal.

A successful operations manager understands that the people who make up their team are their most valuable resource and that creativity, collaboration, and a free exchange of ideas can bring about positive change and innovation. 

Operations Manager Requires these Crucial Skills

Analytical skills

Strong analytical skills are essential for effective operations management because they enable managers to identify problems before they jeopardize productivity. They also help with other facets of operations, such as profitability and efficiency.

With effective analytical skills, operations managers can collect and analyze data, identify patterns and trends, create performance measures, evaluate processes, and make decisions using hard data to optimize processes.

Collect and analyze data:

Operations managers need to collect and analyze data from various sources to identify areas for improvement and develop effective solutions.

Identify patterns and trends:

Analytical skills enable managers to identify patterns and trends in data, which can help to predict future performance and uncover hidden opportunities.

Develop performance measures:

Operations managers need to develop and use meaningful performance measures to track and manage performance.

Evaluate and optimize processes:

Analytical skills enable managers to evaluate processes and identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies, which can then be optimized for better performance.

Make data-driven decisions:

Analytical skills enable managers to gather and analyze data to make better decisions that are based on objective evidence rather than gut feelings or opinions.

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Problem-solving skills

Strong problem-solving skills are effective in operations management because they allow for quick solutions to complex problems before they jeopardize operations. Managers with these skills can provide teaching moments to their team by showing them how to solve complex problems.

These individuals are more likely to use this knowledge to help others and pinpoint issues faster on their own. This skill mitigates the impact that problems can have on client satisfaction, processes, product or service quality, and productivity. 

Some other ways strong problem-solving skills are useful for operations managers include the ability to identify root causes, evaluate alternatives, use creativity in solutions, implement and monitor solutions, and adjust accordingly.

Identify root causes:

Operational challenges can stem from multiple sources. Operations managers need to use their problem-solving skills to identify the root cause of the problems they face.

Develop creative solutions:

Operations managers with problem-solving skills are better equipped to develop creative solutions that address the root causes of operational problems.

Evaluate alternatives:

Effective problem-solving requires evaluating various alternatives or solutions. Operations managers need to be able to compare and select various options to implement the best solution.

Implement solutions:

Operations managers need to implement solutions that have been developed to overcome challenges. Proper implementation requires effective communication and leadership.

Monitor and adjust:

Implementation is not the last step in the process. Operations managers need to monitor the effectiveness of the implemented solutions to determine if additional adjustments are needed over time.

Attention to detail

Attention to detail is important in operations management because even tiny errors can lead to large problems. It is important to check and recheck every aspect of the operation. This aspect of management ensures that processes are executed effectively and issues are dealt with immediately.

This is also a skill that managers can teach their teams so they are adept at noticing small errors in processes on their own and avoiding them. Operations managers should ensure accuracy in tasks, inspect for quality control and compliance, improve processes, and mitigate risk. 

Here are some ways attention to detail skills helps in operations management: 

Ensuring accuracy:

Operations managers need to ensure that all operational tasks are completed with precision and accuracy because even small errors can lead to significant problems down the line.

Quality control:

With attention to detail, operations managers are better placed to inspect products, goods or inputs to ensure they meet the quality standards laid out by the organization.


Operations managers need to ensure their operations comply with regulatory requirements, such as environmental or occupational health and safety, along with other legal requirements.

Process improvement:

Managers can also identify areas where precision or accuracy needs to be improved upon to optimize the manufacturing or operational process for greater efficiency.

Risk mitigation:

Attention to detail helps identify potential risks and errors early in the process and take the necessary corrective actions to mitigate them.

Overall, attention to detail is essential for successful operations management because it drives precision, quality, compliance and efficiency across all operational processes.

If you are wondering why operations management would be a good career choice, the answer can be found in the curriculum of accredited online schools such as Kettering.

A degree in operations management can lead to opportunities for high-paying, challenging jobs that bring personal and professional satisfaction.

Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking is crucial to success as an operations manager because it helps with developing long-term plans and optimizing performance. This skill can also help management stay ahead of the competition and teach their team members the same skills so everyone is working strategically. 

Strategic thinking includes long term-planning, resource allocation, risk management and being able to prioritize which tasks take precedence. When the whole team is involved in strategic thinking, the path becomes clear for innovations and growth for the organization.

Strategic thinking enables operations managers to look at the operations as a whole, anticipate changes, and adapt to new requirements. This includes using data to create a vision and design an operation that continuously adapts to stay competitive and meet the goals of the organization.

Vision and long-term planning:

Operations managers need to have a clear vision of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives so they can develop long-term plans that align with them.

Resource allocation:

Resource allocation is a key component of operations management, and strategic thinking skills can help managers allocate resources in the most effective and efficient way.

Risk management:

Effective operations management requires risk management to identify, prioritize and mitigate possible threats that could impact operations.


Prioritization becomes more manageable with strategic thinking because it enables operations managers to focus on the most important tasks and decisions in the operation.

Innovation and growth: Strategic thinking facilitates the adoption of innovation and growth by challenging old and existing processes to evolve and adapt in a fast-changing business environment.

Communication skills

Strong communication skills are essential in any type of management, and operations managers need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively to be successful. Clear communication ensures all team members are on the same page and working toward a common goal. 

Communication does not just mean talking, but also listening to the concerns and ideas of others and taking them into consideration.

Effective communication means operations managers can clarify goals and objectives with their team, provide better coordination of resources, resolve conflicts quickly, provide and accept feedback, and continuously strive to improve processes. 

Clarify goals and objectives:

Clear communication ensures that everyone involved in the operations understands the goals and objectives of the organization. By communicating clearly, a manager can ensure that expectations are aligned and everyone is working toward the same objective.

Better coordination:

Communication helps with coordinating the activities of the different departments, teams and individuals involved in operations. This ensures that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities, timelines and expectations.

Conflict resolution:

Effective communication helps resolve conflicts among team members, departments and stakeholders. When conflicts arise, managers need to communicate effectively to understand the issues, negotiate solutions and develop a plan of action.


Communication helps with providing feedback to employees on their performance. This enables employees to identify areas where they need to improve and motivates them to work toward achieving their goals.

Continuous improvement:

Effective communication helps identify the areas that need improvement so that processes and systems can be developed to optimize performance.

Leadership skills

Leadership skills have taken on a new meaning in the last 10 years, with soft skills being at the core of any good management training program. Solid leadership involves inspiring and listening to the members of your team rather than barking orders and expecting them to get done.

Being a good leader means helping team members resolve conflicts, making tough decisions objectively, delegating tasks and staying focused on the goal. 

Inspire team members:

Effective leaders inspire and motivate team members through clear goals, vision, and expectations which in turn, motivates and increases productivity.

Conflict resolution:

Conflicts can arise in a project, and effective leaders address conflicts promptly and with sensitivity, to ensure that everyone feels heard and valued.

Strong decision-making:

Leaders have a strong decision-making aptitude, ability to process data, consider potential outcomes, and make informed decisions.


Leaders delegate tasks effectively by assigning specific roles and responsibilities, while being available to support the team member as they execute the task.

Maintaining focus:

Leaders maintain focus on project goals while ensuring the team is working toward that goal.

Technical skills

An operations manager needs to be proficient in the technology and software used by their industry as this allows them to analyze data to facilitate the management of complex operations.

These skills are essential for operations as they allow managers to teach their team the production process and find ways to optimize it. Strong technical skills, combined with effective soft skills, can help an operations manager lead a team to success in their industry. 

Some of the ways technical skills help managers optimize processes include strategic planning, improvements in production, managing resources, quality control and solving complex problems. 

Strategic planning:

Technical skills help managers develop effective strategies for meeting customer demands, reducing operational costs and improving overall efficiency. Operations managers need an in-depth understanding of technologies, production methods and industry trends to develop viable business strategies.

Process improvement:

Technical skills are crucial in identifying and evaluating the production process to identify areas of waste, inefficiencies and bottlenecks.

By using their technical knowledge and expertise, operations managers can optimize the production process to reduce costs, increase productivity and enhance the quality of products.

Resource management:

Technical skills help in managing resources such as equipment, raw materials and human resources. For example, an operations manager needs to understand production planning, inventory control and quality management systems to optimize resource usage.

Quality control:

Technical skills are important in maintaining quality control during the production process. With technical knowledge, operations managers can identify quality standards, evaluate performance against these standards and take corrective measures when problems arise.

Problem solving: Technical skills are essential when facing production problems that require analytical skills to diagnose and solve.

Operations managers must have strong technical skills to diagnose the root cause of problems and propose feasible technical solutions.

Adaptability and flexibility

A strict and rigid adherence to policy and procedure is not always the most effective way to manage a team or deal with complex problems before they become larger ones. A good operations manager needs to be adaptable when a situation changes suddenly and decisions need to be made quickly.

The ability to accept ideas from their teams and think outside of the box helps in not only solving issues but also promoting collaboration within their team. 

When a manager is able to adapt and be flexible, it shows everyone who works for them that their ideas will be considered.

Other ways adaptability and flexibility can help a project manager be successful include the ability to adapt to changing requirements, addressing unexpected events, manage risk, build team morale and improve overall results.

Adapting to changing requirements:

Project managers must be prepared to change course quickly when necessary to accommodate unexpected changes in project requirements.

Addressing unexpected events:

Flexibility and adaptability allow project teams to address unexpected events, including the arrival of new stakeholders, changes in supply chain management, and disruptions that could affect the project.

Managing risks:

Project teams should aspire to adapt to risks that could affect the project and develop alternative plans to manage them effectively.

Enhancing team morale:

Empowering the team with the ability to work flexibly and adapt to new circumstances fosters an open and optimistic work culture while helping to reduce stress and negativity.

Improved results:

Adaptability enables teams to leverage their collective knowledge and experience during a project, allowing them to respond more efficiently to changing requirements and ultimately leading to better results.

Also Read: Business Management 101: Overcoming the Quantity vs. Quality Conflict

Fostering a collaborative work environment

There is a reason successful companies are now creating collaborative atmospheres for their employees instead of traditional workplaces. The collaborative work model fosters creativity and open communication, which encourages the sharing of information and innovation. 

When a team is open to discuss their ideas, they are more likely to expand on those ideas and work together to make them happen and solve any problems they come across. An operations manager who promotes an open and collaborative atmosphere is respected and sought-after for their input and guidance. 

Collaboration encourages the sharing of information, enhanced problem-solving, creativity and innovation, employee engagement, and greater efficiency. 

Information sharing:

A collaborative work environment encourages the sharing of ideas and information across departments, teams and individuals. This helps in improving communication, increasing transparency and promoting innovation.

Improved problem-solving:

Collaborative work environments enable teams to come together to tackle complex problems. By combining diverse skill sets, knowledge and perspectives, teams are better equipped to solve complex problems efficiently and effectively.

Enhanced innovation: Collaboration promotes innovation by fostering an environment in which ideas and creativity can thrive. Teams can brainstorm ideas, identify new opportunities and develop new products and services collaboratively.

Higher employee engagement:

Collaborative environments increase employee engagement by making workers feel valued, included and heard. Workers who feel that they are part of a collaborative team are more likely to be highly engaged in their work and invested in achieving organizational goals.

Greater efficiency:

Collaboration results in streamlined processes and better time management. By working collaboratively, teams can identify and eliminate bottlenecks, reduce downtime and optimize resources to achieve higher levels of efficiency. This can also set the standard for new team members who are hired.

A successful operations manager possesses a combination of hard and soft skills they can use to motivate, mentor and train their staff.

The ability to communicate effectively, solve complex issues, create a collaborative atmosphere, and be flexible and open to feedback creates a foundation of efficiency and organization that will lead an operations team to excellence. 

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